It was like a preschool horror film…..Henry and I walking, hand in hand, down the
Dynamotion hallway for our morning drop-offs and good-byes, which 7 days into our new routine, still make me a little sad and anxious (Henry is doing GREAT, by the way…in fact, better than great!).
We open the door to find every child dressed in either a super hero costume or a pink princess costume. Henry stood still, dropped my hand, mouth open and wide-eyed. I knew we were in big, big trouble.
Henry: “Look Mommy, Spider-man” he says pointing at 1 of the 3 masked
Me to Teacher: “So (teeth-gritted smile), is today ‘costume’ day?”
It, in fact, was. But I missed the note they left on the door the night before. They also told the kids to tell the parents, but I guess Henry forgot…which is shocking since it involved a costume.
What to do…what to do??? I’m frantic and feel horrible that the new kid was the only little one who
didn’t have a costume!
Henry: “Mama, you will go home and get my Clone Trooper costume?”
Me: “Of course! I’ll be right back with your Clone Trooper costume!!!!”
A couple of hours later, I bust into the room, sweaty, breathless, Clone Trooper costume and mask in hand to save the day! Of course, Henry was happily playing with his friends and probably forgot all about the fact that he
didn’t have a costume, but let’s pretend.
Henry sees me and immediately goes from 1 to 10 on the squeal scale.
“Oh Mommy, You did it! You got me my costume! Look kids! Look at my clone trooper! I have a mask!”
Crouched at Henry's feet, one foot in I look up to find us surrounded by three little tiny pink princesses all watching me ceremoniously dress my little Clone Trooper. The little tiny princesses did not say a word, they did not smile, they simply watched and protected us from the large group of super heroes that were beginning to swarm in our direction to see what all of the fuss was about. Though he only had one foot in the costume, Henry stretched his body to the fullest and pointed to his chest to show the boys his Clone Trooper Costume. I had to remind him that it
wasn’t on yet.
Once fully Clone
Troopered, he jumped and jumped and hopped and jumped to the high-pitched squeal that was coming from his mouth. The room was still, watching in awe. This must be the first time they have seen Henry go off the grid like this.
And then he was off, no good-byes, no kisses. He was now a Clone Trooper and off grouped with the other Super Heroes across the room, busy planning to save the World.
But, as he looked at me across the room through his Clone mask, I knew. I just knew.