The Stadium.
And No. That is not a slide, it is an escalator.
I certainly never thought that was a slide. Nope, not me.

The Golden Tickets:

The NFL Tailgate Party
featuring Steve Winwood and Daughtry, though we
missed Daughtry. But I did hear him from the parking lot and
he sounded better than I thought Winwood did. Sorry, Nate.

The Party People:

Super-imposed Nate bobble head:

The Club Level.
Oh My was uh-mazing.
The Bathrooms. Oh, the bathrooms.
I shared a private bathroom moment with
Kendra Baskett's mom.

The Stadium. Breathtaking.

Kendra Baskett and her mom, who I shared the bathroom
moment with. I like Kendra, but she didn't wave to me.

For my Mom. The Coug.

When the Saints came marching in:

The very, very excited out-of-towners livin' the dream and
missing their boys:

99% of the scoring happened right in front of us:

The Who. Now, I hear they sounded horrible on TV, but let
me just say, in my overwhelmed head on this day,
they were the best band I had ever heard.
Maybe it was because I drank....maybe it was because I was
caught in the moment. Whatever, it was GREAT!

The Win:

The Ticker Tape.
When we got back to the hotel this night, Nate pulled out
two pieces of ticker tape that he caught so that I could
include them in our Super Bowl scrap book.
Cute, I know.

Its an experience that you really just can't put
into words. I am so thankful that a) I got to have this experience
and b) that I got to experience it with Nathan.
It was simply amazing.