October 30, 2010

Changes...so many changes

Today, was our first full day in our "downsized" living space. No more Big Ass House (BAH). We now live in an Itty Bitty Ranch. Almost 1/2 of the space we had. It is a world away from what we grew accustomed to....but it is quickly starting to feel and smell like our new home now that I have every outlet plugged with a scented plug-in and multiple candles burning every moment we are home. The boys are awesome - No, its not as fun as our BAH, but you'd think they were in Disney Land.
They love it. They'd love anything....and I love that about them. They spent one full hour this evening diving into a pile of packing paper laughing harder than I've ever heard them laugh. Henry told us it was his "Chinese Toilet". I have no idea what that was about.

Tonight at bedtime, Henry and I discovered that he has a loose tooth. I thought surely this was the result of it being hit, because, for the love...HE IS JUST A BABY! But then Henry asked me if he was going to lose a tooth just like the twins (in his Pre-K class) and it clicked. He is FIVE and he is going to lose his first tooth SOON. This milestone completely caught me off guard. Time and Mayoclinic.com are helping me to cope and understand that this is normal and appropriate. Sigh.

Once I find my camera...pictures will reappear here.

Until then....

(And hoping you feel better soon Mom!) Love you!

October 27, 2010

From the mouth of Henry Barton

"Dad, I don't need to go to school anymore......(waving his arms over his head) I've got it ALLLLLL figured out!"

"Mom, back when I was 4, did I like scary things?"

I think we've got a funny one on our hands!

October 18, 2010

All sorts of Nuggets

Tonight, like every night at dinner, we asked the kids about their day.

Henry shared the following:

"Today, Maddox called me a 'Fart Nugget'"

Oh Maddox, I didn't want to, but I'm going to have to put you on the List.

Charlie thought this was heelarious and repeated it over and over in Charlie language which came out something like this:

"F&^ckin Nugget! F#$ckin Nugget!"

And then all my parenting techniques went out the window because I couldn't stop laughing so we pulled out the tequila all took shots, lit our fart nuggets on fire and just ate chocolate for dinner.

I'll be accepting my Parent of the Year award next June.