December 31, 2010

2010 in Photos

Good Bye to an amazing year.
Bigger than I ever could have imagined.
Filled with happy adventures.
Filled with memories.
Filled with family.

Hello, 2011.
Love, The Barton's

December 28, 2010


Meet Bob.
He is our Holiday Houseguest.
I can't wait for the Holidays to be over -
Bob leaves the toilet seat up, drinks out of the milk carton
and watches ESPN Classic all day long.

El Nino Trays

When it is raining non-stop outside
and we are without a car
we start getting REAL creative around the house

the boys are busy, busy, busy tractoring lentils, barley and penne
around on cookie sheets.
This afternoon, we will see what we can make/do with
toilet paper and decopage.
Please send help now.

December 24, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas....

The excitement is at its peak.
The boys are nestled all snug in their beds.
Morning cannot come fast enough.
But first, a Christmas Eve tradition.
A story from Daddy.

December 22, 2010

My Favorite Things

Looking back at 2010, here is a list of My Favorite Things:

Singing Christmas music....loudly...and watching my kids watch me sing
Baking Sweet Treats
Driving in the car with my family (Odd, I know. But all of us in one car is rare, so I cherish it. Nothing better than seeing little tiny faces in the rear view mirror when we are all headed to the same destination)
REAL hugs from any of my three boys that make my heart hurt
Sleeping with an open window under heavy blankets next to my Husband
Capturing a photo of my boys laughing
Dreaming up perfect family vacations that we will one day take
Tears from laughing and making others laugh
Saturday Family Movie Night
My Husband's smiley eyes

And in the end, I guess they aren't really "Things" afterall.
Hoping you had year filled with your Favorite Things

December 11, 2010

See Kysa Swim...

Swim Kysa! Swim!

100m Freestyle

Bears taking a break to rehydrate
between races.
I'm not entirely sure what Mommy gave her to rehydrate,
but about 10 minutes after hydration, Bears was doin' the 'bot dance.
Whatever it was, it worked!
Two mischievous-looking spectators
So proud of you Bear-bear!
Race info
50m Breaststroke
Kysa lost her goggles when she dove in the water,
but it didn't even phase her - she swam a great race!
Great swim meet Kysa! We loved watching you race
and are so proud of you!!

December 7, 2010

All is Calm; All is Bright

Saturday night, we decked the tree with
lights and trimmings
Then we danced until sweaty to
Pandora's Christmas Rock station
And finished off the night with a pallet of pillows and blankets
on the living room floor where we
ate too much popcorn
and stayed up way too late
and laughed way too hard
watching a Barton house favorite:
Home Alone
to kick off the
A perfect night, where all felt just right.

December 4, 2010

A Christmas (tree) Story

Saturday morning, we headed north,
past the urban boundry and into the full blown
country in search of a fresh Christmas tree.
The wind was blowing hard which made
for excellent snotcicles, so we took cover
in the barn and fondled gourds as we warmed our ears.
Once warm, we set out on the gravel road,
with saw in hand, said hi to this donkey
and hoped for the best.
Hi Donkey!
We passed a farm-made 40 foot slide and made a few
trips down it.
After rejecting 15 or more trees, we found the tree.
Nate, as Henry said, "sliced" the tree with the saw.
The watched awe.
We've never seen daddy work harder.
Since Charlie didn't pull his weight with the "slicing", we
made him carry the tree back to the barn.
Ok, fine. Nate helped him.
And Charlie dilly-dallied behind.
It was so cold, that the boys and I abandoned daddy with the tree
and took cover to thaw the remaining snotcicles in the car
where we blasted Christmas music. Here, we were singing
"fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la" with gusto.
The End.

December 2, 2010

See Charlie Hide

I hope the day never comes when Charlie realizes that I
can actually see him when he is "hiding".

December 1, 2010


I'm just sayin'