I think I have figured out why I have been blog-blocked! I just haven't been taking as many pictures (and this is a photoblog for pete's sake) because I am tired of taking "inside" pictures where the light just isn't as good as it is outside. The sun was out today and we actually took the camera outside and it reminded me of how much I like taking pictures of my little toots outside. And then I wanted to blog. Problem solved.
I should first start with last Friday night - PlayHouse Disney! We bought tickets for the evening show and were so excited to take Henry and Charlie - though I did not have high expectations for Charlie's attention span. Rightly so. It was just awful - the show, not Charlie. Nate and I laughed through most of it. It was just cheesy. Poor sound, bad effects (no effects, really), cheesy acting...it was like all of the "actors" (term used loosely) were all cruise ship rejects that had just finished drinking at the bar with all of the fired drunk santas at Christmas time. And Leo, from the Little Einstein skits, oh Leo...we won't even walk that path. I'll just leave it as too soft and waaaaay to energetic. But then....I looked down between Nate and I...and I saw Henry, eyes as big as dinner plates, the biggest smile on his face and answering the questions that were being yelled out to the audience.
Host: "Are you ready???"
Henry: "YEAH!!!"
We saw "cruise ship rejects", Henry saw DISNEYLAND. It was so cute. So, in the end, it was the best show we had ever seen. He still talks about it.
Sunday we watched the Superbowl from my parents house. Here are some pics:
Henry does not like taking pictures. I still don't have one of Henry and Charlie together! But Kysa put on the extra-cute for me!
Mom & Dad just hanging out on a Sunday:
It's not really going to pop out at you, you goofs!
These are fingerless gloves that Grandma made. I am going to start marketing her on Etsy.com. More info to follow on that project!
Henry giving Sissy as sassier hairdo:
The sun is out!!!! This is me begging Henry to stand next to Charlie for a picture. It started out, Henry, put your face next to Charlie's. I was ignored. Henry, just stand next to Charlie, you don't even need to look at the camera! The result:
It's too bright! I can't see!
Charlie's poor eye! We are one week out from his 1-year appointment. If his eye doesn't clear up by then, we will likely need to do something about it. I am not looking forward to that. I am still holding out hope that it will clear before then.
Henry rode his bike while I pushed Charlie in the stroller. Big boy!!! Look at that sweet face!
So sweet, you get to see it twice!
Charlie cruising around outside - I love the outdoor lighting!
Who is going to be ONE next week???
Charlie has all kinds of new parlor tricks now. He can do the hand motions to "itsy-bitsy spider", he can sign language "more", he can sing our silly "wa-wa-wash" song, gives kisses and big, big hugs! No walking yet, but any day could be THE day.
Mmmm...what's this? Maybe I should put it in my mouth. Is it a leaf? Bark? Poop?
Kidding. It was a leaf. It was his second course. His first course was a large rock.
Love, B
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