A Birthday Treat, which we never even got to because Henry couldn't pull himself away from his "Walker" long enough to enjoy a cupcake. Yes. The "walker" is just that good.
The walker....waiting for its new proud owner:
Proud owner. Sees the wrapped box and dives right in. But before he dove in, we played the "what do you think it is, Henry" to which one of Henry's guesses was "A BBQ?"
"It's just like Axey's!!!"
The "Happy Dance":
Don't know what a "walker" is? Its actually an AT TE from Star Wars, which I think stands for All Terrain something...but Henry calls it a walker. So "walker" it is. It is large and loud, but has Henry so wrapped up with excitement, you too, can't help but love it.

After opening his present, Henry told us "This is the best birthday EVER!"

Love, B
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