June 8, 2010

Four, going on Nine

A couple of weeks ago, Henry just decided it was time.
He is a big kid now.
And he wants to go to sleep in his own bed.


Bedtime has always been a battle for us and Henry.
We didn't really fight him....we actually liked snuggling
with him. Or, we'd let him fall asleep in our bed and then
move him to his own in the middle of the night.

Because getting him to fall asleep in his bed could take
2 hours. Alternatively, it would take 30 minutes in our bed. I'm not a woman of leisure
and choose the 30 minute route.

But tonight, something changed.

Not only did he want to go to sleep in his own bed,
he wanted to read a book, BY HIMSELF, and then turn
his own light out.

After Henry proposed his idea, Nate and I exchanged looks.
A mix of scared, suspicious and probably sadness because, HELLO???
How old ARE you?

As I tucked him in, we talked about the "plan".
He repeated:
"I will read my book, The Dangerous Book for Boys,
but big kids can read it too, then I will put my book away,
then turn the light off, then go to sleep, then wake up, then
go to school!"

Good Night, Henry
Good Night, Mommy

Thirty minutes later, we found the light was off, the book
on his bedside table and our big boy under his covers....ASLEEP.

Which means we are just one step closer to total independence.
Thankfully, the microwave is up high, because when he can cook
his own chicken nuggets, I am no longer needed. Oh stop, I'm kidding.

Actually, I hope this means that amid all of our chaos, we, as parents,
are maybe, possibly doing something right.

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