November 27, 2010


Charlie is on a (as he calls it) "Monsta Tink" (Monsters Inc.) kick. Every waking moment, he is thinking and talking about Monsta Tink. This morning, Charlie was watching Monsta Tink on the Mac while Nate and I worked in the garage. When we came back in the house, the Mac screen's colors were reversed, like a negative. Seeing how our Mac battery has recently swelled to twice the size it was originally, we thought this was just another sad step toward Mac heaven.

And then Nated Googled.

I kid you not, someone recommended "Control+Alt+Apple+Eight" as a fix.

And it worked.

Which means Charlie "Controled+Alt'd+Appled+Eighted" to get it there in the first place.

His punishment?

Piano lessons.

Because that is a mighty impressive octive+ reach that boy had to use to mess it up.

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