No, this isn't a old picture from an old post...we are back
to Albuterol treatments and steroids....and RSV...and fevers...
and lethargic behaviors and lots and lots of fussing.
As of today, Henry has it the worst. Fever, fussy, coughing until
he throws up and just generally very ill. He went to the
doctor again yesterday and said that without treatment, he
would clear up in a few weeks...weeks?! With treatment, we can make him feel better
and speed things up a bit. So, we are doing breathing treatments every 4 hours, steroids
and tylenol.
Charlie pole dancing! The next photo in this sequence is Charlie on the floor with the lamp
pole on top of him. This was after I watched Charlie use his new step stool to get up on the coffee table. Tricky little boy he is!
Charlie is doing much better. He was sent home from daycare last Tuesday with a fever and vomiting. That was the first time I have ever seen Charlie sit still. In fact, he fell asleep on me at 5:30 and would have probably slept straight through the night. We missed our little sassy firecracker that night.
Phrase O' the week "I'm not feeing good".
Even though I took a vacation day today, I had to take a call - so I went out in the backyard. Meanwhile, Henry found my make up and did himself up right nice. He actually had mascara on his eyelashes...impressive Henry..impressive.
Charlie on the phone. He holds the phone up to the back of his head and "talks" - its really cute. Speaking of cute...Charlie got 2 more teeth today for a grand total of 6!!! I see many, many more on their way in too.
Charlie likes to make a monkey face and breathe in and out really fast. This is what that looks like:
And this picture sums up our week so far:
But 30 mins post-tylenol, Henry likes to play the drum game. He is pretty darn good! Before we start a song, Henry will yell "You ready to kick it??" Oh Henry.
Some random pics from the past couple of weeks. Wrestle time!
Henry tackling Charlie:
I think he was showing me how strong he is:
New spiderman toothbrush! Electric!
How to:
Henry also likes to climb walls and ceilings like spiderman. Here he is on the ceiling.
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