Well, the snow is gone, the decorations are packed (almost all of them anyway) and we just finished our first week back at work/daycare. We went from 15 mph to 100 mph - which means I haven't been taking any pictures. In fact, I actually had to reenter my login on blogger - which is always a bad sign.
The first week of January was surprisingly smooth considering we went from no schedule to very scheduled. The boys were really adaptable - more than me! We will get back in our groove soon. We tried to do our weekly mall trip last night, but Henry had other plans. He kept telling us "I'm not feeling good" and would cry out in pain every once in a while - which usually means "gas". The likely culprit was Henry held a BM in all day (god forbid he poo at school!). So we cut the mall trip short and went home so the boy could crap. He was a TOTALLY different kid after that. Problem solved.
We are working really hard on potty training and binky withdraw right now. Today has been a very good day in those areas. Day-by-day. We have resorted to bribes, whatever works. I told Henry that if he used the potty, he could get a new toy - he asked for a new toothbrush - spiderman. Thats my boy! He got an electric one and says that it "hurts", but I think he means tickles. He is napping with it right now.
So, I don't have very many recent pics, so I thought I'd post some from our recent trip to Medford.
Grandma and Grandpa had tons of gifts waiting for these little guys! Henry was very into the gift opening process:

Notice Charlie's hair isn't nearly as wild. Its growing quite long and is laying much flatter the past two weeks.

Grandma and wiggle-worm:

Grandpa Stan and Charlie. We are pretty sure Grandpa and Charlie share similar interests...Charlie would often just put his forehead to Grandpas forehead and I think they were mentally sharing their positions on the space-time continuum.

Grandpa let Henry man the camera for a bit. Here is what he sees:
Great Aunt Patty:

Cousin Michelle:

I don't think Henry took this pic, but if he did, wow...he's pretty good. Great-grandma and Charlie.

Henry trying out all of the tools in his new doctor kit.

Great-Grandpa and Charlie sharing a beverage:

Great grandpa on the floor playing ball with the boys! While I am on the subject. Nate is convinced that Charlie is a lefty. Everytime he gets a ball, he picks it up with his right hand and switches it to his left and throws with his left. We will see....

Bath time! I love that they both have "side-wrinkles"

Something was hilarious - I love when they make each other laugh!

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