Yes, sir re...thats my baby smiling...finally. Since Charlie's fluid "top off" Thursday, he has
slowly started to return to Charlieville. Slowly. By slowly, I mean one week later, he still has diarrhea, BUT, he is finally eating and drinking like normal. It is so nice to have sweet, funny, smart Charlie back! Here is happy boy!
So far, Henry hasn't shown any signs of coming down with the curse.
Tonight, he is "hellboy" because he didn't nap today. I just tried to put him to bed, and it did not go so well. Here is a glimpse of how this went:
Mom: (reading Henry his book "Cowlick") A big cow-lick!
Henry: Don't say cowlick (in the whiniest voice you have EVER heard)!
Mom: But that is the name of the book?!
Henry: Don't say Cowlick!
So we move on to book #2 called "Good Morning Good Night"
Mom: Good Morning, Good Night.
Henry: Don't say good morning, good night!
You get the picture.
But, before Henry turned into Hellboy, he had some very sweet moments this weekend:
Guess who's walking???!!! He is so cute when he walks on his own.
He sort of waddles like E.T.
On our way to the park today:
This boy has some SKILLS! He is pretty good with a bat and ball.
He can even toss his own ball up and hit it. Impressive!
Sweet Charlie hanging out on the swing:
Look at my big boy! He has been doing so good with the potty training! And I really don't want to jinx this...but he hasn't used a binky in 3 days! And it is sort of ironic how it happened...Friday, Henry was peeing on the potty and had his binky in his mouth. Yep - you got it, it fell into the toilet. How PERFECT is that?! I mean, it wasn't MY fault, so he can't be mad at me! He still asks for it once or twice a day, but so far, we have worked through those moments.
We were so tired of that stinky binky hiding that beautiful smile!!!
Henry showing off some more ball skills. He is pretty darn good with a soccer ball too!
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