But first, lets start out with some Charlie! Thank you, Charlie, for the world's greatest hair!
We attended an family anniversary celebration a couple of weeks ago and one comment I got was "Hmmm....have you ever tried cream rinse on that hair?" The answer is no. Why would you want to tame that craziness?? Even if you have never met Charlie - his hair says everything you need to know about his personality!
And now on to the fam! What a wonderful and busy couple of days we just had with everyone! I have only a short window of quietness, so I wanted to post some of my favorite pictures from the weekend.
Grandpa and Charlie sharing their theories on relativity.
Charlie: "Hmmm, Your theory just might hold water, Grandfather. But, I'm going to need to nap on that one."

Grandma! Get your own marshmallow egg!

Yea! It's Uncle T!!!! Who came bearing inappropriate gifts for Henry!
Do you like your new shirt Henry? Thats what I thought.
Actually, Henry has asked multiple times if he can wear his "Uncle T" shirt...So far, "its in the laundry" has held Henry off. T was so thoughtful in that he bought it several sizes big so that Henry can get YEARS of wear out of it. Thanks T!
Dinner at Jake's Friday night in celebration of T's graduation:
Hanging out in their hotel room with Great Aunt Patty. Yes, Henry is waving to the camera.
It was so nice to see you Aunt Patty (who is such a WONDERFUL aunt to our little boys!)
They sure love you!

Uncle T and Henry after their space shuttle flight (behind them). Henry has been in heaven with his Uncle here.

Who's having fun now???:

I should mention that we borrowed (ok, sucked out of everyone's cameras) all of the pictures that you see here. This is why:

Grandma and Grandpa take amazing pictures!
Charlie, lovin it at OMSI:

And...here is "the face". This is the face that Henry makes all of the time, but we are not sure why. I think, he thinks, he is being cute, but it really, really isn't cute. Hopefully it is a phase!

I just like this picture because it reminds me of "The Right Stuff"...and yes it is!

Henry and his Grandma! You can see why Henry loves her so much:

They took the boys swimming last night while Nate, T and I saw a movie. They had a ball in the swimming pool, eating a Red Robin and hanging out in their hotel room last night! Thanks for taking care of them for us!

It's already too quiet in the house after 1/2 the crew left. Henry, of course, is already asking where his Glandma and Glandpa and Aunt Patty are. Thanks for visiting, it was so nice to see all of you!
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