Aaaahhhh! I hate being so back-blogged! I lie awake at night writing in my head - but that is so counterproductive, I suppose. I really need a brain-to-text converter to help me stay afloat with all that I love to do!
Needless to say, I have some catching up to do on the photos. We will start with the first weekend in April. Henry's daycare had an Easter Egg Hunt at the owners farm in Sandy. It was a delicious muddy mess that Henry just loved. But, since it was so muddy, I had to carry Charlie everywhere which isn't as easy as it sounds because he REALLY wanted to participate. So picture me navigating muddy tractor treads in my clogs, walking a 1/4 mile up hill with Charlie doing EVERYTHING he can to get down - backbends, forward bends, pulling my hair, etc. It wasn't pretty. Next year, Charlie-bear, next year. It will be so bizare when I attend a social event and I don't sweat perfusely. I wonder what that is like....Hmmm.
So, here are the Three Amigos: Rye, Atticus and Henry. "The troublemakers" or "The Boys" as they are affectionately known. They are rarely separated at school. I don't often have the chance to just sit and watch these guys interact with each other, but I did get a glimpse into their crazy world on Easter Egg Hunt day. They are all close in age, about 3.5, so they don't have "conversations" rather they are like a school of fish. They are relatively silent and just run, but they run and chase each other, run into each other, dog-pile, change course and do it all a school of fish might. And all without words, just laughter and squeals of delight.

And I just cannot resist....This is father and son...doing the Hokey-Pokey. I played like I was taking pictures so that I didn't have to partake, but secretly I was laughing at how cute these two were! Here you would be viewing: "Put your right foot in" or maybe "put your right hand in" or maybe Nate is just having a hard time following:

Many posts ago, I talked about Henry's "Kevin & Winnie" relationship from the Wonder Years. Maddy is Henry's Winnie. She is the cutest little girl I have ever seen, and is so incredibly smart (she is the little squirt who used to freak Nate out by clearing saying "Hello, Henry Barton's dad" when she was something like 18 months old. It was quite freakish, but adorable! Henry and Maddy always hug each other when they see each other. We think her parents are trying to have an "arranged marriage" discussion with us. Which we are secretly completely open to.

And this here Jo-Jo. I have always wanted to meet this character. Every once in a while, Henry will do something so out of character for him (like, slam his knees together and growl "POWER MEES" (power knees)) and I'll ask, after I stop laughing, who does that?? Its always Jo-Jo. We have all kinds of Jo-Jo-isms in our house now. I wish Henry would copy him and actually look and smile at the cam-ee-ah (as Henry says).

This super-creepy easter bunny followed me around everywhere and no matter where I was standing, it was staring at me...just STARING. Freaky thing. But the kids liked it.

Just me and my brother, sitting on a log, not smiling for the camera, nope, not even a grin.

This child has NO FEAR of animals. You name it, snakes, bugs, horses 100 times his size!
He fed this poor horse about 30 carrots - and NOT flat-handed. I couldn't watch.

You know you have had a GREAT meal when your eyes roll to the back of your head and you end up naked. Am I right?
He's holding a balloon in the picture below, which was so funny and adorable to see him waddling around with red sauce in his ear and obviously all over his face. I've had many a meal like this Charlie, you are not alone.
Hey, wait, what am I wearing? Where is my transformer sweatshirt? or my "Good Guy" fleece? or my pajamas? What are these civil looking threads on my body? Henry actually dressed up for me on my birthday and then again on Easter. It was painful getting to this point, but how handsome are you????
And my other handsome fella! Charlie is still my doll and will gladly wear whatever ridiculous get-up I feel is appropriate for the day. Thank you Charlie.
I will wear this, but I will not like it.

Up until now, I have always fed Charlie finger foods directly on his high chair tray. First, because he will throw a full plate on the floor without hesitation and second, because forks are for big kids who you do not fear will poke their eyes out, or the dogs eye, desparately staring for a scrap.
As with many things thus far, I underestimated Charlie. I set a baby fork on his tray one morning and the kid picked it up, poked his food and shoveled it into his mouth like he had been doing it for years. I was shocked! Even Henry stood right in front of him watching him and said "mom, charlie is a big boy now".

Yep, it is documented now. Charlie is completely civilized, ok, not completely, but very, very close. He even eats off a plate now and only threatens to throw it when he is full. Whats next Charlie? If only he would wipe his sticky fingers BEFORE he logs on the MAC or the TI-81 (I know, we are so 1990's!). More to come soon! Love, B
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