Henry: "I'm NOT Henry! I'm a Walker" (from Star Wars)
Nathan, caught off guard: "Ok Walker, lets go sit on the potty."
Henry: Sits and stares at Daddy with a slight grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye. His upper cheek/lower eye dimple goes in out of dimpledom...
Nathan: "C'mon Henry, I don't want you to peepee in your pants. Lets go try."
Henry: "I'm NOT Henry, I'm...I'm...a dinosaur." Then gives the look/dimple exercise.
Nathan: "Ok, I don't care who you are, if you don't go sit on the potty....."
And then we all just start laughing. He is SO 3 years old! And very into mind games as of late. We need to come up with a parent game plan as to not be overtaken by our small children.
It was a beautiful weekend and we spent the majority of it in our outside living space*.
* Backyard
We are slowly transitioning the outside living space from the winter pooping field (the dog, not the people) it becomes from November to April, into our extended living space of sprawling (by sprawling, I mean your standard 100 x 50 standard Portland lot...but when your house is small, that leaves LOTS of room for "sprawling".), green grass, lawn furniture, and every outside toy ages 0-5 you can purchase. It becomes pure summer heaven if you are under 5 or if you like to watch those little people under 5. If only it had a pool, or hot tub, or a gardener...but we take what we can get and are thankful for extra shaded space during warm weather.
Here is some of the family fun from the weekend:


So that I can take a lot of these kind of pictures:


And next, for your viewing pleasure, is what I will call...
"Popsicle Montage" or maybe better named "Look at my absurdly long one-year-old eyelashes Montage"
But not to be outdone by my other long-lashed baby. It is so hard to look at these little tiny beauties, because it makes me miss them so much. I hurt when I am away from them.
The "Happy Henry" whose eyes smile like Daddy's when he smiles!
Saturday, we spent the morning cleaning up the yard (theme here?) and the played a little before we wagoned the boys down to Alberta Street for some lunch. And then our new refrigerator came!!!! I am in appliance heaven! It had been so long that I actually forgot that milk isn't supposed to be frozen when you pour it in your cereal.
I completely realize that all parents SAY this and probably FEEL that their kid is excelled in some way...but Henry had taken a self-propelled liking to certain sports. I really don't know what a 3 year old is supposed to be able to do, but this boy amazes me when he can hit a ball that is pitched to him, can swing and hit a golf ball and it soars (!) and can dribble and shoot a soccer ball into a goal. He is happiest when he sports-it-out in the backyard.

Sassy can now get on and off his bike all by him self. But since it is on the grass, cannot go anywhere, but seems happy nonetheless.

I hope it is safe to say that Spring Sprang and we are so happy about that!
Love, B
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