But first, the beautiful birthday flowers among other loverly birthday treats from my wonderful husband:

Henry on a one track mission to FIND THE EASTER BUNNY droppings....droppings? leavings? treats is probably a better way to word that. Charlie was just going in for the morning hug and got stiff-armed by bones.

All dressed up in my Easter finest...cracking eggs and getting my first taste of M&MS.

At Grandma & Grandpa's (NEW!) house, Charlie gets straight to his chores with his vacuum.

It's cousin

Wrestle-time! Henry and Cousin Wyatt:

A simple picture that speaks a thousand words. Charlie in the background doing his own thing, hair a-flailing. Henry taking care of the bad guys and Wyatt on a rampage.

The little brothers want to participate SO BAD!

A typical scene in our house, and apparently in Aunt Mimi's too! Another stiff-arm followed by tears.

The dudes...just being dudes.

Easter Brunch in the NEW kitchen - so big & beautiful!

Crazy kooks!

If you can't tell (
hehe)... those are bunny ears and bunny teeth

"THE CAKE", after which the kids all fell fast asleep because Grandma made it with LOTS of grand
marnier. Kidding. Just a little grand
marnier, and the just got super wired.

Love, B
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