What exactly does a Sunday in Chez Barton look like? The best day ever!!! A day where we never make plans, but rather let the day unravel at its own pace. Saturdays, we usually plan a get-out-of-the-house-for-the-kids-sake-day. Sunday is almost always Pajama Day - all day (during the winter...summer will likely be different).
Charlie is always the first up. On weekdays, he'll sleep until 7:00 or later (naturally, since we have to be out of the house at 7:30). However, weekends are much different. I usually hear Charlie's sweet cooing somewhere around 6:30 in the a.m. Of course, I loves me some sleep, but I have to admit, my early morning hours with Charlie are the best. Just the two of us. We bundle up and walk down the street to race to the newspaper box (its usually empty), we/he enjoy a bottle and we have some uninterupted play/snuggle time.
Charlie is usually hungry for breakfast before my sleepyheads wake up, so I usually make him something early and then he eats a second breakfast when the men wake up.
This day, Charlie is noshing on bananas and toast - of which he ate no toast.
After breakfast, Higgins contorts himself best possible to catch the remains on Charlie's high chair seat. It's disturbing.

Henry usually graces me with his presence around 8:30 or 9:00...Hmmmm...much like his daddy he is. Good morning Henry! Henry always has the best sleepy eyes and puppy breath in the morning and before he can even open his eyes squeaks out "I want juice and chewy yunga bar" (granola bar, but since it is so cute, I notice that I, Nate and my Mom all call it a yunga bar)

This Sunday, we sent Daddy to the bagel store. Mmm.Bagels....

And then Charlie does his best George Jefferson imitation.
Wait. What? Did Henry initiate a brotherly photo opportunity? Your not "hugging" your brother are you??? Not sure what prompted this sweetness..maybe it was the sugar in the yunga bar which he is holding in his hand?? Even Charlie is like..."what the?"
And then Charlie did some deep sea discovering in the house since it rains all of the time here. Good thing Daddy bought the boys Lincoln Logs because someone is going to need to build us an Ark. And soon.
And then, for a brief moment on Sunday, then sun came out. And we rushed to get out of our pajamas, into grubby clothes and outside to soak in a small dose of Vitamin D.
This is the beauty that blossomed in the backyard this past week:
There is funny...and then there is
hilarious! Henry was
hilarious as he helped Daddy mow the lawn. He mows right along side Daddy and even does the "back and forth and back and forth" as he approaches the edges of the lawn.
Charlie watched from the sidelines and laughed hysterically at the roar of the lawnmower.
The louder, the better.
After naptime (which for Henry usually means trying on several different pairs of shoes, unloading every book off of his shelf and taking at least one poop), Henry helped me make dinner - Homemade pizza! (sidenote...I really didn't mean to put the words poop and pizza in the same sentence - but thats just how it is in our house!) He had so much fun making the pizza and he actually even ate it for dinner. I was scared his stomach was going to revolt seeing how it only knows chicken nuggets and peanut butter and jelly. It didn't.

And then it was back into Pajamas to close out Pajama Sunday.
And time to give Daddy head-loves.
And belly-laughs...
Is it bedtime Charlie? This guy can "turn it on" like a switch..
And then turn it off just as quick if he sees a laptop....
And this right here...is just pure trouble. This is Henry and Charlie scheming on the laptop. They must have had fun becuase I later found the colon/semi-colon key on the floor.
I love these boys!
And that, my friends, was a Day in the Life of our Sunday. A very good day. Love, B
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