As previously mentioned, both boys have been quite sick. One day, Henry is worse, the next Charlie is worse. The nights...lets not even go there. Last night, Henry had a difficult night and was really only comfortable when I held him upright, which made for a very uncomfortable night of sleep - for both of us. Who am I kidding, for the whole family. So, we called the doctor who wanted to see Henry today (because he coughs until he wretches). In the end, she thinks Henry may have some pneumonia in his lungs and is also having bronchospasms (asthma). She did a breathing treatment in the office which seemed to significantly improve his wheezing, so decided to prescribe a 5-day breathing treatment...FOUR times a day. This was Henry's 3rd treatment so far...and he really is awesome at it!!! It makes dry ice-like smoke so he thinks it is pretty cool.
Dad helping Henry - who, by the way, does NOT need help!
He likes to sing his ABC's (because he plays like it is a microphone) while he does this. It takes about 5-10 minutes for each treatment.
All done! Big hugs from proud dad!
Of course, as soon as we get Henry on the road to wellness, Charlie starts coughing non-stop. He is a smart little infant and likely just wants to try Henry's treatment because it looks fun. With the way Charlie coughed before bed, Nate and I have prepared ourselves for another fun-filled night of coughing/soothing/holding/feeding. I am determined to get these boys well over the next few days. So, into their bubbles they will go! Love, B
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