These two are Double Trouble! They were up to some sort of crazy conspiring shenanigans this evening. Evidence follows:
"Ok, you unplug the sleep number bed over there to the left, so mom gets into a deflated bed later...I'll distract the parental units...Go!"
"Nice job Tarley! Lets change the time on the clock now!"
"There's mom and it cool brother"
"ok, now turn the monitor up really loud so that when you cry out tonight, you scare the poo out of mom...that's funny! I'll do something cute over sing itsy-bitsy spider."
"You're pretty cool little can stay if you want."
Henry watching The Incredibles, and Charlie watching Henry.
More scheming
What?! Don't bother me mom, I'm busy.
More like brother, like brother. Charlie could not stand any closer to Henry!
I think Henry is doing better (he has his bad moments of coughing rage). Today was his last day of treatments, so we'll see how tomorrow goes. He is in a much better mood and cute as ever! His new funny is he walks around with his arms bent and tries to be a robot. And in his robot voice says "I am your father"...we think he got this from Toy Story 2. Its hilarious!
Charlie and I spent the afternoon running errands. While we were in New Seasons, we must have been stopped 5 or more times by people who Charlie decided to flirt with. Everyone has to comment on his crazy hair and ask me if I make it do that (he has a natural mohawk that stands up at least 2- 3 inches - straight up) All of the other hair on his head is short and slick - it is the craziest thing! Nate told me that it has become his trademark. A dang cute one too! Love, B
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