So, I'm a week late, but Happy Thanksgiving. Truthfully, we had so many awesome pics that I have been sorting through them for days...which had to to be done before I could choose blog photos. Right? We left for Seaside last Wednesday afternoon and stayed until Sunday. We really had a great time with the family. It was my parents, Krisssy, Ryan and their kids Kysa and Alex, Merri and her kids, Wyatt and Bodhi and Nate, me and the little toots. It was a houseful - often loud and nutty, but oh so much fun!
Here is the kitchen & Grandma working hard making pumpkin and apple pies:
The living room with an amazing view! The furniture was less than desirable, which was probably the only complaint from the weekend. It was upright wicker. Ew.
Hi Aunt Sissy and Charlie! Um, Charlie, watch the hand little man...
The view:
And sweet little Bodhi who I think I really bonded with this week. Such a sweet, gentle little fella. Montana is just too many states away Bod!
The master bedroom. The little boys turned this into their "club" room. Lots of Wii playing, jumping on the bed and the love seat and somehow they littered the whole room with poker chips and I heard a rumor that they dismantled the telescope (not pictured). The three amigos named themselves the Bad Boys Club...and that they were.
And speaking of the little devils...
We celebrated Kysa and Grandma's birthday. Happy Birthday!!
Testing...Is this thing on?
Apparently so. Mers doing her version of "Living on a Prayer" Rock Band II style!
Crazy time in the jacuzzi! Question. Why is Alex so tan?
Craft time! Turkey headwear. Of course, Merri and I ended up doing 80% of this project and the kids didn't even wear them until we literally packed up on the last day. What ev.
Craft #2: Pinecone turkeys....Krissy and I made 80% of these too. Darn you kids!
Post-Turkey dinner, we look over and find the kids flocked to the mac watching Wall-E.
Post-Turkey beach walk! Aunt sissy and some of the kiddos - Wyatt, Alex, Kysa and Henry
Merri and I (with fire in hand apparently!)
Mom Dad and was too cold and windy for Charlie to come out
The Coffeys:
Rock Band II! Ax on drums and Wy-Wy waiting for his turn. So bored!
Ryan on bass:
Papa! This photo is an anomaly...papa usually cannot do anything "technical" unless his tongue is sticking out.
We tried so hard, oh so hard, to get a group shot. A few problems: 1) Charlie was in a mood (see below) and 2) We could not get all 6 babies in one general area looking the same way. They were all so cute wearing matching PJs from the grandparents.
Another fruitless effort:
Nate and I were in charge of breakfast each morning. This day was french toast day. Nate is the master french toast maker...I am the master "french toast plater" with berries and powdered sugar.
We spent one day in Cannon Beach - note Haystack rock in the background. Again, Charlie was asleep in the car!
Charlie baby!
One of my favorite pictures of the whole trip:
And how could this not be another favorite?
The kitchen had the perfect sink for a Charlie bath!
Grandpa, is that you? Oh, its Charlie's buns! They are red from me squeezing them - so cute!!!
This is a game that they figured out themselves. Who knows!
And then they crashed! They were watching A Spongebob marathon.
What up WyWy?! And I love Ax's little mug in the background!
Another favorite pic...grandma and Henry braving the rain.
Though you may not be able to tell...its Aunt Sissy and Kysa.
The babies got parked above the beach because it was too rocky to drive the buggies on. They weren't to upset about it. They are the binky cousins!
Funny baby eating (and wearing!) carrots!
Its the last day...and the kids decide to wear their craft projects.
On a separate note, Charlie had his 9-month (though he is 10 months next week) appointment today. He was 21 lbs (51st percentile) and 29 inches long (76th percentile) and of course, his melon got first place at 87th percentile. Big head. Charlie got more shots today and I had to "man" the limbs (hold his arms down) because Nate had to leave for an appointment before the shots got under way - so Henry was left roaming the room while all of this was going on. Of course, Charlie started crying and I looked over and saw little Henry with a curled lip and was starting to cry - empathy?? It was pretty cute. So, now that Thanksgiving is behind us, we have moved on to Christmas. Henry is so excited for Christmas and all that comes with it. I put a tree up in his room today and I thought he was going to go through the roof! He walked around all day with a Santa hat on singing Ho, Ho, Ho..Merry Christmas! Looking forward to all that is to come. Love, B
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