Today, we were supposed to be on the road to Reno for Christmas. We are so sad to have to have canceled that drive due to weather. It's just awful. Portland is having snow like we haven't had since 1968. I think we have over 12 inches right now and more is to come tomorrow (Christmas Eve). We would have had to go over 3 mountain passes, and all 3 are dangerous right now. We must have changed our minds 100 times. We even packed the car last night with plans to leave at first light today. In the end, we followed our guts and decided we needed to be cautious. So, it is Christmas in Portland again this year. Of course, that isn't all bad - we have SNOW, SNOW and more SNOW and it is so awesome to wake up in your home on Christmas morning when you have a 3 year old. Nike closed the campus for the rest of the week, so I have started my holiday vacation early! We have had a great time playing in the snow with the kids. Ok, Charlie doesn't exactly love the snow. In fact, I had him outside for 10 minutes earlier this week and was panicked when I saw his little red hands. The were apparently numb, because he couldn't even crawl on them. I felt awful, but warmed him up slowly and there doesn't appear to be any permanent damage.
"Mom!! I can't put my arms down! And my snow pants are 6 inches too long for my yams!"
Higgy doesn't mind the snow - he likes making yellow snow. everywhere.
This was before the real snow hit - though at the time, we thought it was real snow! Higgy loves taking pics with Henry. Right?
Henry thought the snow was a little long, so he was mowing it.
My snow angel.
Daddy chained us up right nice!
This was when the real weather hit. We must have 9-10 inches of snow and a layer of ice on top of that. This is a leaf frozen in the ice. I also found frozen poop - but thought that it wasn't blog worthy.
Frozen suburban:
Daddy working hard getting chains on. I carefully framed the photo to spare everyone having to see Nate's plumber-butt.
Jetta? What Jetta?
Um Henry?! Stop shaking your juice on the poor dog! I can still see you even when I am outside!
Henry moving the earth. He thought throwing ice chunks and watching them break was about the coolest thing.
"Mom, where do you want this one?"
Since we were planning on spending Christmas in Reno, we celebrated Christmas with my parents on Sunday. Another beautiful tree!
Henry modeling his new scarf Grandma knit. He is so dapper!
Aunt Sissy gave Henry a new suitcase with his NAME on it. He wheels that thing EVERYWHERE!
The best part was the scraping sound that it made on Grandma's beautiful wood floor. Sorry Grandma!
Henry checking out Charlie's new airport:
Airplanes! Yots of Airplanes and helibocters! (as Henry says)
A guitar for Charlie that plays music. He pushes the music buttons and DANCES!! It is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!
I'm pretty sure this bush will never be the same! Notice the landscape light on the left. It is about 12 inches tall, and covered!
What yard?
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