Times must be good if I am actually "back-blogged"!! It was a busy week - good and not-so-good. But lots to updated on. First, and most importantly, IT'S SNOWING!!! Is there really anything better than being snowed in on a Sunday? Besides being snowed in on a Monday and work and schools are closed, of course. We took lots of snow pics of the kids today, which will need to be in another entry because we had so much going on this week that I don't want to skip over.
Monday, daycare called us to come pick Henry up because he threw up at school right after naptime. I don't remember Henry ever "throwing up" for flu reasons. He was pretty excited to talk about how sick he was. He kept telling us "I'm not feeling good" and "I threw up. It came out my nose". So, I set him up on the couch with a big blanket, a big pillow, a puke bowl and movie. He was sick on Tuesday too and really didn't start eating normal again until Friday. I always worry that he is getting to skinny. He is s-k-i-n-n-y - seriously, he is only 10lbs heavier than Charlie at this point. Henry is feeling much better and is eating much better. Charlie, oh Charlie, seems to always be sick. He is usually pretty happy even if he isn't looking/feeling so good. He just has a cold now..but last Saturday, he threw up in Costco in a way that made me actually panic. It was crazy - like a fountain and it kept coming and coming! Strangers were offering help. Here is a picture of my sickies on Tuesday morning.
Charlie battled diahrea all week. Here is super dad in the war zone. I couldn't stop laughing - so dramatic! Charlie took many, many baths and had clean sheets almost everyday this week because he just couldn't keep in all in his pants.
Yesterday, Henry told me that he needed to pee. Though it may seem silly and insignificant, it ISN'T! Henry has had no interest in potty-training and it is starting to get embarrassing...for me, not him. So when he told me he wanted to go on the potty and wear spiderman "underwears"...we partied! Here is Henry checking out his new skivvies. He was obsessed with them!!
He held his shirt up like this for the longest time so that he could see his "underwears".
"oh, and fancy that...look what is on the backside!"
I think he has covered all angles now.
And then he found the mirror...look at those fancy pants!
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