Sorry for the lack 0f updates the past week. It was an awfully busy week that left no time for pictures! I made of for the lack of pictures this weekend!
First...who is the big boy drinking from a sippy???
For a couple of days, every time I fed Charlie, he made this weird face..what the heck?????
Maybe he was copying is brother. This is how Henry "smiles" for the camera now. Oh Brother. Daddy made an awesome batch of french toast - he is the french toast master!
Charlie was looking like a little man in this outfit. Big boy is now scooting along the coffee table. We are in so much trouble!
Cute Butt!
Arg..Pirate Charlie
Grandpa brought Henry a camel from Qatar....made of camel bone, or hide or something nasty like that. It was so animal-nasty (and must still be coated with camel musk) that Higgins fell in love with it and will lick it any chance he gets. Ew.
This was my attempt at getting a picture of my boys. I don't think I have one yet. And I still don't..obviously.
More puppy behavior!
We love Costco jammies! Both boys got a pair today. Here are Henry's. Henry has this awful nasty fake snake that looks so stinking real. He knows how I feel about snakes, so he torments me with it! The snake is always appearing from behind me, or giving me surprise kisses.
And Charlie's new jammies:
Another attempt at a picture that contains both kids..
Times are tough....but Henry is doing his part by providing his own dental care:
And provide his own medical care. Henry's hand was run over by a bike at daycare last week. Today, we saw the bi-product of that accident. He is losing his finger nail. He will NOT let us touch is so wrong looking!! I am guessing tonight is its last night on Henry's little finger.
Charlie reviewing the Portland housing market.
This is Henry saying "Fee Fi Fo Fummy...." So cute!
Henry has added some new (and adorable) new songs to his particular, The itsy-bitsy spider (or as he first sang it...the IPSY, BIPSY spider) Henry always forgets the last line of the song, so we inevitably end up in a never ending loop of the song. Its so cute though, it actually gives me goose bumps and we could listen to him sing it all day long.
Henry has also brought a couple of non-cute things home from daycare. One being something like what I call "boy talk". For example, when we sing "Twinkle, Twinkle little star..." Henry says "Twinkle, Twinkle little par tar tar" It's hard to explain, but believe me, its crazy-silly.
Well, its time to sign-off so I can start the little dance we call "bedtime with Henry" which usually takes 1 hour and at least 10 threats of some kind. Oh, I forgot to mention that Nate and I always hear about toddlers who sneak into their parents bed in the middle of the night and to us, it sounds so nice...Henry never leaves his room (ok, its because we have safety handles on the inside and he CAN'T get out, but whatever) last week, we told Henry we would open his door before we went to bed, so if he wakes up, he can come upstairs. I now know that people mean when they say Pandora's Box. We have a visitor more nights than, we LOVE him snuggling with us, but don't love that he sleeps sideways and uses his toes as weapons. I'm sure the excitement of it all will wear off soon and he won't want to sleep with us, but for now, snuggle-time is nice, even if it means we have black circles under our eyes every day. Love, B
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