All is now well.
no running
no crying
no screaming - obviously
no throwing off of the balcony
(Charlie dropped our house keys down to the neighbor 3 stories down the first day we got here)
That's how the building knew the BARTON'S ARE HERE!
no throwing out of the bedroom window
(Charlie kicked a soccer ball straight out the window - no screens here!
and has dropped several pairs of socks out the window)
no eating ANYWHERE except the table
no wearing Juliet's shoes (Charlie has shoe issues)
no reading Juliet's books (they are all very cerebral and they boys would no doubt "color" in them)
Nate has done an AWESOME job managing the chaos within the rule book.
He does the cleaning, the laundry, the shopping, the cooking, the dirty diapers, the baths, the cooking clean up, the first aid (oh, and there is plenty of first aid needed) all while showing more patience than I have ever seen him have. All so I can remain focused on work and happy time with the boys when I am home. Which isn't much - during the week.
More important than all of this, the kids are SO happy and having a very memorable and bonding summer with their awesome daddy.
Thank you, Nate.
They really, really love you even though it is sometimes very hard to tell.
This really was a beautiful post and quite inspiring. It just shows you when you go to the basics; love, spending time together, good family meals and interaction without tv or internet how simple, but so satisfying life can be. I am so happy your whole family is getting to experience this.
B were is this BIG slide ??????? is it fun???????? ask henry what it was like if he remders ?????? from the pics it looks like it is FUN
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