This is the Kid Zone Play Area:
But they didn't care about any of that stuff..
They just wanted to get to the good stuff:
One of the many indoor pools (below) that
showed movies all day:
The urine pool (below):
We thought we'd died and gone to Heaven:
Until Henry's face broke out in a puffy red rash.
Not sure why, the only thing he ate was waffle that was
mostly globs of sugar and some orange juice.
This seemed citrus related to me which just confirms Henry's theory
that he is allergic to EVERYTHING except chicken nuggets or PB&J.
Fine. You win, Henry.
When it comes to big slides, especially water slides, we go through the exact same exercise every time. They scare the holy beejezus out of Henry...until he tries it. Once we are over the intial volcano, and I'm not exagerating when I use the term "volcano", he is fine, and has a ball.
We started talking Henry can do it buddy! Its not fast. You don't even go underwater. Charlie liked it?! You'll love it, Henry. I promise you'll love it! And my personal favorite of Nate's "Buddy, I wouldn't steer you wrong!" To which Henry responds with a blank stare. And then finally, we bust out the reverse psychology with "It's ok, you don't have to do it. It's probably too big for you."
But finally, after an exhaustive pep talk, a dabble of reverse psychology and a pinch of bribery, Henry decided he'd try it with me. Mind you, this was at the bottom of the stairs. I still had to make it all the way up the stairs and continue to pep talk him. I was certain that once we reached the top - which was quite high - he'd want to come back down...the stairs, not the slide. Nate sat in the wave pool below us with Charlie and a silly grin on his face and the thumbs up sign permanently posted. He knew the challenge that lay ahead of me.
Up, up, up we climbed. Henry's eyes darting side to side. His fingers in his mouth and knees trying to keep the pee in. He was very stressed. But then, as I continued my talking, he stopped jittering, looked at me and said, "Mommy, I can do this now because I am FIVE!". And that was that.
He laughed the whole way down. At least I think he did, but may have easily confused my own laughter for his. We landed in the pool at the bottom and he climbed out, put his hands on his hips and said "I'm going to do it again".
200+ times later, he was a completely different kid. No fear. In fact, he wanted to do the slide by himself - as in he didn't even want Nate or I to walk him up the stairs. Ok, then.
Charlie has no, nor has ever had fear. Big Slide? no biggie. By the end of the weekend, we were tossing Charlie down the fast slides....alone even letting him stand in line for a slide sandwiched by German Teenage Boys. If only we could have bottled the laughter up to bring home to you all....what a souvenior that would be.
Sunday, we played a round of "Diaper Roulette" with Charlie. We couldn't, and yes, we tried, to find a swim diaper, to no avail. So I spent all 5+ hours of pool time with a heightened sense of poop alertness. Constantly asking Charlie if he need to go sit on the potty, to which he answered every single time "yes". I would often test him with: do you want ice cream? Yes. Do you want nuggets? Yes. Do you want to take a nap? Yes. Do you need to poop? Yes. He was really no help at all. In the end, we walked away from Casino Poopoo as the Big Winners. Nobody wants to be "that" parent.
Here is video of one of the hundreds of landings Henry had on the big slide:
The best part of the trip was when we sadly had to give the boys a "last call" for the weekend. It was time to head home. Nate and I were just as disappointed, it had been a great two days. Henry chose to go down the big slide one last time.
No water wings.
The final slide.
Cue the inspirational music.
Nate waited at the bottom of the slide and said Henry shot out of the slide...ON HIS BACK!
Before this time, Henry always sat up because it would slow you down a little. Lying on your back made the slide like a rocket launcher.
Each time Henry finished the slide, he did the exact same thing. Put his hands on his hips, looked back up at the wild beast he had just tamed and walked out of the pool owning that slide.
We spent a couple hours on Sunday afternoon walking around Zandvoort. The beach was beautiful. I'm sure it is very cold, but it looked lovely. That is a red roach coach being pulled by a beach tractor.
After a weekend which included over 9 total hours of swimming, sliding and laughing, it only took minutes for the boys to drift off.
Like every weekend we've had here, we ended our Sunday with a "That was the best family weekend we've had here!" It's pretty awesome that we've been able to say that every weekend.
And the best part? We are saving the very, very best for our last weekend here.
Stay tuned!!!
I am on pins and needles thinking about where the best Barton family weekend will take place. Do I hear french music in the background?
What a fantastic place! Can you bring it home with you? Great job Nate with the Daddy duties and way to go Mom bringing home the bacon and working hard. play so hard on the weekends! You are amazing!
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